The GSM, according to scientists alerting us about it, is a weather phenomenon reoccuring in cyclic fashion approximately every fpir hundred years. The phenomenon corresponds to a gradual reduction,, over around 10 years, in the energy emitted by the Sun in our Solar System, until finally a minimum level of activity is reachedm which will continue, in a long plateau, for another long period of years (predicted in the coming case to be around 30 years), after which the energy emitted by our Sun will increase again, to finally reach its previous level of production. The consequences of this phenomenon include a catastrophic reduction in the length of our agricultural growing seasonsm lading to food shortages and, ultimately, to human and animal malnutrition and famine. During the last period of GSM, at a time when Humanity had not yet realized either the phenomenon’s existence or the nature of its cycle, the famines that resulted are estimated to have reduced the World’s population by __ %.
Knowing that this cycle exists in the physical patterns of our Universe, Humanity is now in a position to prepare for the next cycle, as the GSM plays out, this time using the technological advances of the last, intervening 400 years, so as to meet the challenge of surviving a long-enduring famine. But the first key factor in this equation is to be aware of the dangerm and, unfortunately, governments everywhere are remiss in their duty to inform their citizens and encourage their preparations. The result is that few people aware of the danger have voices that can be heard, and the vast majority of Humanity is hurtling towards a disaster with no clue as to what is coming.
Few scientists are trying to alert Humanity to the danger. More amazingly still, our government leaders are, on the other hand, aware of the problem, yet are not sharing this knowledge with us, and they are even planning and counting on the tremendous reductions in population that are projected. UN Agenda ____ foresees a __ % reduction in the World’s population by 2030, while political action groups using buzz words like Global Warming (abandoned when observable phenomena revealed it was blatantly wrong) and Climate Change (a more genericm and thus more easily manipulable concept) to distort the clear signs that the phenomenon has already begun, using this deception to their own political ends;
Regular People, you arid I, still have time to prepare… for our families, the friends we love, the animals that depend on us, even just for our own lives, for the existence of Humanity and the accomplishments of civilization, all this gives us the motivation we need and, even at this late date, we can still adequately prepare. Some of us may know that we won’t be around to see Humanity come out on the other end of this dangerous passage, but we will yet know that out actions made a difference to those who do survive, a difference that can spread out in ripples connecting us to the future, as yet unborn, generations…
At the same time, city-dwellers, among the most vulnerable segments of the populationm can commit to indoor farming, not opnly as a way to shortenm even eliminate, the chain of custody jbetween the food producerand the con sumer, but also as a way of reestablishing a vital connection with Nature; Any numbeer of studies have shozn the positive effects of gardening on the allieviation of stress, the levels of which, we can be sure, are destined to rise dramatically.
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